Monday, December 14, 2015

May the Odds Be in Your Favor

Finals Week Survival Go-To's

In finals week, 

here's how I get through the heaviest work week of the semester...


This is the first year my friends and I have had access to a kitchen on campus, therefore my house thought it would be a great idea to have a Christmas family dinner. Since we all tend to be busy we set aside a date to plan to cook and celebrate Christmas together before going home for break! I was in charge of salad and the garlic bread, Suze made a wicked good mac & cheese from scratch, Kelsie made roast beef while Lida made Oreo truffles for dessert. Once it was all together we sat back and had a "we are such adults making a full Christmas dinner" moment. When the semester gets incredibly busy and with finals around the corner, setting time aside to spend time with friends is important.


Being on top of work and planning out time for studying will help minimize stress. I tend to making lists and checking them off to keep track of need - to - do work is incredibly helpful to get through the work load. There is a light at the end of the tunnel and before you know it you will be home sitting next to the fireplace, or the fireplace that can be screened through Netflix in case you don't feel like getting up to make a fire.


For every cup of coffee you should drink at least one cup of water to stay hydrated, stay healthy and get sleep because getting sick during exams is a combo that has no positives whatsoever. Eat healthy, exercise for a good study break by going for a run for example (because its currently 50 degrees out in a Vermont December so absolutely taking advantage of that).

Campus De-Stress:

Saint Mike's holds a lot of de-stressing activities for students during exams such as popping bubble wrap, coloring books provided on the main floor or cuddling with dogs. Next time you walk through the library check the bulletin boards to see the schedule of when the library is bringing in dogs for students. They are always adorable and at the least will put a smile on your face!

Best of luck with finals week everyone! My RA during my first finals freshman year gave us a great piece of advice when we were studying. She said you have been present in class all semester, and as long as you take time to review and look over the material you will walk into the exam knowing more than you think you do. You won't be entering the classroom blind or unaware of the material, and as long as you take the time to prepare you feel better walking into the exam. Enjoy a nice month break for the holidays and may the odds be ever in your favor this week!

Facebook: Candice Kalil
Twitter: @CandiceLeeMary
Instagram: candicekalil31

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Finals: As Told by Buddy the Elf

Its the home stretch folks, in other words the last two weeks of fall semester.
Yes it's true, it's December 1st...
And you know what that exams. Yes final exams are everyone's favorite part of the year. As we all know but finals week comes with a window of time and a whole lot of work. The final stretch of the semester is exactly as it sounds, the last leg of homework and studying before break. Whoever said the last two weeks of a college semester are always easy, definitely did not experience the end of the semester themselves. Finals week comes with a lot of work but there is a long holiday month break to follow!
To best explain how finals week works and how to work through them, here is Buddy the Elf to tell you how it goes:

You are going to most likely give up cooking, eat easy-to-make meals and crave eating chocolate. 

Even though you might think an all-nighter or studying last minute for that cumulative exam is a good idea, think what is going to help you understand the material and help you feel prepared. Stay positive and prepare ahead of time for exams, even if it is studying for a little bit each day. 
If you feel frustrated or unsure of the material don't hesitate to email your professor or ask for extra help. Nothing bad can come from asking for help, those resources are there for you to help you!

And after exams are done you get a whole month to take a break, regroup and come back in January! Oh and don't forget the best holiday of the year too of course.....
Lastly, make sure to set time aside each day to give yourself a break from the work. Whether that may be going to the gym for an hour, watching Netflix or hanging with friends, give yourself a break to step away from work and then come back to it! Even watching a Christmas movie isn't too bad of an idea. Prepare, study and work hard because Christmas break will be right around the corner!
Facebook: Candice Kalil
Twitter: @CandiceLeeMary
Instagram: candicekalil31

Monday, November 9, 2015

SMC Campus Life

One of the best parts of Saint Mike's is that there is no shortage of activities and events going on around campus. On campus housing is offered all four years here so there's always something going on with everyone around campus. Another thing too is that if you're wanting to start a club or organize an event, it's super easy to get the Saint Mike's community involved. For example, this past weekend a couple friends and I ran a 5K on campus that was raising funds for refugees by donating to the organization Africa ELI. The program works and does fundraising to educate women and girls within South Sudan along with empowering them, as most are survivors and refugees from the Civil War there.

One of the senior's Caitie Shea, who recently just finished her first marathon, mapped out and organized the race. It had a good turn out and the course was flat so it was a nice run! One of my friends had set herself a goal for finishing her first 5K and met her goal on Saturday! Caitie even got donations from local bagel markets too to help provide food for all the runners. What Caitie did is a good example of creating and running your own event on campus which both had a good turn out and made it a good work out goal!

Other awesome aspects of the fabulous Saint Mike's campus is the crazy amount of resources there are for students and members of the community. Professors alone I have gone to for advice on different assignments and just sat down in their office with them to get their opinions. On top of the academic resources on campus one center in particular I have been utilizing being a senior and that is Career Development. Had I realized how awesome the Career Development office was my freshman year, the process getting internships would have gone a lot smoother. Both internships that I've had in the wedding industry have both been awesome but it took a lot of time to find them! Career Development at Saint Mike's is great with a ton of resources available to students and alumni. You can go make an appointment to figure out your major, applying for internships, career opportunities or just picking apart your resume. For the Career Development page, click HERE

I made an appointment earlier this semester to proofread my resume with Aislinn Doyle and it was some of the best life advice as we went through my resume and talked about looking into job hunting for after graduation. For anyone on campus this weekend there is also the Career Symposium. Offered each semester the school provides the opportunity for professionals and alumni to come in and talk to students about looking for careers or planning for after graduation. Gotta start somewhere! There is so much that Saint Mike's has to offer its hard to pass up the resources it has and its awesome to go out and support friends who are putting different programs or events for everyone to get involved in! 

If your wondering what's happening around campus check out the your mySMC page or the Saint Mike's website!

Facebook: Candice Kalil
Twitter: @CandiceLeeMary
Instagram: candicekalil31

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Worth a Read: The Odyssey

How many articles a day do you see posted when you are scrolling down your news feed? The response is most likely going to be "a good amount". Well the basic reason for that is people love to post and share what they believe in or what they relate to. Whether its a political article about the upcoming election or 10 reasons to travel in your 20's, there's anything and everything that can be posted to the Internet. News outlets, Buzzfeed and everything in between can be found taking up real estate on Facebook users news feeds.

One particular forum that I have gotten hooked on recently is The Odyssey. The Odyssey is a platform essentially that allows millennials to submit and talk about their views and experiences. The interesting part about it is that it contains topics all across the board. And I mean everything from politics to friends to family to news to celebrities and anything else that could pop in your head. Its unique and it its own right as a huge outlet for millennials and generation z to write in. I love the idea of it because it is a great way to hear from so many different perspectives and so many people with different things to say. A majority of articles I have seen recently have all come from the site. Every read you find, which is my favorite part of Odyssey, is that you hear a lot of level - headed perspectives. Anyone can go online, write their one sided opinion and publish something. A lot of the content of Odyssey is absolutely relatable to the reader, and offers a ton of insight into different topics that are incredibly relevant to readers.

If you have a free moment, don't want to study for your 8 am exam, or are just overdue for an wicked good read, this is where you should go. I'm not a write for Odyssey but after reading a lot of the content and reading a bunch of the articles within it, it would be pretty sweet to become one.

So you catch my drift here are a couple articles I found that quote on quote "hit the nail on the head" for what they are talking about. These are a handful of many I have found and they are worth a read! And yes the 14 Signs You Are A Senior In College scares me how applicable it is, currently still in denial but it's totally fine.

The Survival Guide to Bullying - Aija Mayrock

How Study Abroad Changed My Life

The Malala Fund

14 Signs You Are A Senior In College

Facebook: Candice Kalil
Twitter: @CandiceLeeMary
Instagram: candicekalil31

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Falling for Vermont

Needless to say in Vermont the winter is awesome for winter sports and being near the mountains, but you can never really get sick of Vermont in the fall. There is so much to do that, besides the ever popular and gorgeous foliage, it has to offer that makes the fall hands down my favorite part of the year (besides ski season of course). Okay I do sort of in a way have an obsession with pumpkin iced coffee...and yes I know I am quote on quote "basic" for it ,but it is one of the best things about fall! The pumpkin and apple flavors being offered everywhere, hiking, pumpkin picking and naturally apple picking season ! You can't not have fun apple picking, there is just really no way. If you can't, not sure your human.

I got to go to Shelburne Orchards twice this semester which is a good trip to take during the fall! Just a twenty minute drive from campus you cross over to the town of Shelburne, which is adorable in and of itself. It has crafted scarecrows all over and still has its old small town feel. I went to cover the Bee Here Now festival at the Orchard a few weeks ago as a live coverage assignment for my Multi-Media Reporting class. The people there were incredibly passionate about their work with bees and how much of a problem it is that their importance in the ecosystem is not more of a prominent issue than it should be. They had people from UVM professors to beekeepers to quilters all there at the festival. We took our roommate Kelsie who had never been to Shelburne Orchards before, so naturally we had to go on a tractor ride!

The second time I got to go to the orchard is when I took my boyfriend Tyler two weeks ago when he came to visit for the weekend. He also hadn't gone apple picking since he was little so we did the naturally cheesy fall couple date to the apple orchard where yes, I know what you are thinking but we did get the classic apple picking couple pictures. When its fall and you take your boyfriend apple picking, how could you not? We picked a bunch so we could both cook up some apple pie and he could take some home with him!

One of the goals I had set for the semester also was that I would try to hike as much as possible. There's so much to see in Vermont that on top of skiing there's so much to see. This past weekend my friend Keri and I took a quick morning hike up to Mount Philo which takes about 30 to 45 minutes to get to the top. A very family - oriented hike I heard it was a shorter hike with a wicked pretty view, and it did not fail to meet that that's for sure. Fall in Vermont I don't think will ever get old to me and but never has every time I came to Vermont growing up and even now. Its just a gorgeous state with gorgeous views to boot and you have to take it all in while you can!

Facebook: Candice Kalil
Twitter: @CandiceLeeMary
Instagram: candicekalil31

Sunday, October 4, 2015

SMC Open House!

With semester in full swing it is already almost that time yes for college applications. When I hear that my reactions comes down to either, "Aw they are such babies!" or the classic, "Oh my I am so old I'm not about this". It's true though! Being a senior in colleges is so different when you compare that to being a senior in high school. If you are applying to Saint Mike's I can imagine you have tons of questions and are wondering about so much that isn't just in the handed out (but super informative & creative by the way) handbook. Granted I can type and type on here about all the things I love about Saint Mike's but what would be even better and what would be my recommendation is that you come to a Saint Mike's Open House. There are tons of opportunities to take tours and visit the school but an open house is a wicked awesome day to come up to Vermont and visit! Here is the low down essentially:

Tour and More: In an Open House day at Saint Mike's you get a tour when you come, getting to see the academic buildings, residence halls and seeing the layout of the campus. The really interactive map on the school's website is awesome but trust me it doesn't do it justice as to how pretty the campus is There are both student and parent panels are available for the floor to really open up to questions you have on student life, classes, clubs etc.

Meeting People: With the campus being busy there is a great chance to talk with lots of people and get to know them! Its a great way to make connections and meet people who you might end up having classes with or are in clubs you are interested in!

One on One: I know people who were able to get in touch with certain majors and departments they were interested in which, if you are coming in as a freshman and know what major you want, is an awesome opportunity when visiting the school!

The Area: One thing I would personally recommend about a college visit is to make a weekend out of it if you can! Take some time to hang out on church street or go hiking! See the area and Saint Mike's has to offer!

The Gear: Also at Open House the school store is open so don't hesitate to pop in and get some SMC apparel! At my high school they had college sweatshirt days so I got the most comfortable sweatshirt from the school store that weekend to have! The school store has a large selection of stuff and something for everyone!

The Fit: I knew when I came to visit Saint Mike's it was a good fit for me. My cousin went to UVM and suggested that since I did not want a big school to look into Saint Mike's because she had heard a lot of good things about it. I booked a visit to both schools the same weekend. An open house visit at Saint Mike's reassured me I knew it was a better fit for me. If I did want a big school feel though UVM would definitely be on my list! Spending a day on campus rather than just the tour alone gives you and all around feel for the school and is a great opportunity to connect with everything on campus! Don't hesitate to ask question and see as much as you can because there is a lot Saint Mike's has to offer!

Facebook: Candice Kalil
Twitter: @CandiceLeeMary
Instagram: candicekalil31

Thursday, October 1, 2015

The One About College Throwbacks

In honor of Thursday and the ever trending #tbt, this post is dedicated to the years I have had at Saint Mike's. I can tell you right off the bat some of my best friends from Saint Mike's were from my floor freshman year. We were compiled of rugby players, field hockey players, soccer players, musicians and everything in between. There were groups of friends within the hall but I can tell you out of my four years at Saint Mike's my freshman and senior year were the best living situations. I remember the first day perfectly as my entire family and I went up to my room and as I opened the door, my roommate Colleen was there with her entire family too. Great minds think alike because that totaled 10 people trying to move two 18 year old girls into their first dorm room! From there we met the girls in our hall and our RA who was the most motherly and advice giving RA we could have asked for she was awesome! A lot of how our floor became so close definitely gets credited to her.

That time Macklemore performed at SMC

Sophomore year started as one of our friends from freshman year did not come back to Saint Mike's. She was from the Netherlands and was only in Vermont for freshman year. It was weird without her and I still wish she could come back to Saint Mike's. Sophomore year consisted of a lot of skiing and everyone trying to figure out their majors. Sophomore year is somewhat a more lull time in between the craziness of other years which was nice to have! One of my favorite memories sophomore year was getting to go with MOVE on an extended service trip to New Orleans, Louisiana. We worked with Habitat for Humanity along with volunteering at a local nursing home, Boys and Girls Club and a local soup kitchen. The experience was incredible and I wish I could still go back for a longer length of time!

Every Sunday or "Sunday Funday" we had family night with great friends!

I would have to say junior year is what shaped me the most at Saint Mike's. My classes that semester I learned the most from and had some of the best professors I have had in my career here (MJD department rocks that's all I can say!). I also fractured my leg which I will tell you I was not good at handling. I hated being so immobile and having to go to Alliot only when you had a friend to help you carry your plates turned out to be more frustrating that it sounded. I learned a lot about myself from that experience and  I was lucky enough the fracture was not worse than it was! But hey at least I cracked a bone playing rugby and having fun rather than having a silly accident tripping on the stairs or something! After that came going to Spain. If you read through all my posts from January through May, you will understand why it was one of the best experiences I have ever had and if you want to go abroad, GO. IF you are worried about anything I promise it is the best decision you will make!

From Saint Mike's roommates to roommates abroad!

Now four weeks into senior year, its crazy to believe my career at Saint Mike's is at this point. This morning I woke up, made breakfast in the kitchen and read some articles, finished making my coffee and walked out of my 300's townhouse and headed to class. house?! Yes I live in a townhouse. Our townhouse is awesome and since we have finished decorating it has become more like home! The past four weeks have been great so far and the townhouse life is pretty darn sweet. With all the great memories and times the past three years, I can't wait for what this year has to bring! Make the most of all the time you have at Saint Mike's because I promise you are going to blink and realize it flies by, cause you know times flies when you are having fun!

Facebook: Candice Kalil
Twitter: @CandiceLeeMary
Instagram: candicekalil31

Monday, September 14, 2015

Reverse (College) Culture Shock

Shelburne Orchards
Currently living in my townhouse with a five minute walk to class, its surreal that this time a year ago I was getting everything ready to apply to go abroad. I still haven't gotten past the fact that I'm home and not going back to Spain. Everyone who's back from abroad can agree with me that we could sit and have a three hour conversation of all the amazing things we got to experience abroad. We could babble, relate and share so many stories. When we got home we were sent a package from Saint Mike's that included a pamphlet on "reverse culture shock". You wouldn't think that you would have so much culture shock but I feel like I'm going through round two of it. When I first came back to the states I remembered how water is free at restaurants and that everything isn't within walking distance.

Also for the first time in a long time, I feel settled. When I got home I was constantly making plans and working so I was still moving ten thousand miles a minute. Being back at SMC with a set schedule and knowing that I am living here for a FULL two semesters makes me feel settled and not constantly moving. I don't have to live out of my backpack but rather my townhouse. Its a complete lifestyle change with a transition I did not plan to recognize as much. My lifestyle in Spain was amazing and I could not describe it to you in one sitting, and the same goes for my lifestyle at SMC. I live with and a couple doors down from all my friends which is awesome! You don't realize how beautiful and great where you live is until you leave for a bit of time.

I forgot how amazing fall is in Vermont, and how much there is to love about living here. Prime example, SMC is great about you getting out into the community for assignments. A lot of classes aren't fans of the whole "never get out and see the world" mentality of learning. This past weekend we were asked for my Multi Media Reporting class to cover an event live. My friend Suze and I decided to go to the Bee Here Now festival at Shelburne Orchards this past Sunday. Our friend Kelsie had never been, so the three of us ventured to Shelburne. Once we got their I immediately remembered how gorgeous Vermont was. Driving to the orchard you see a awesome view of the mountains near the Shelburne Museum and when you get to the orchard, its nothing short of adorable. It rained on the event but there were still people discussing how important bees are to the ecosystem along with picking some good apples! Being Kelsie's first time there, we naturally went for a tractor ride. That moment when college kids are on a tractor ride among a bunch of cute rain-boot wearing kids with bags of apples.

I mean where would you rather learn, in a classroom or out at a Bee festival at an apple orchard? I think so too. Trust me when I say during the fall, get outside. Yes when winter comes there is skiing and snowboarding to be done but for now go for a hike, pick some apples and hangout outside! Vermont is too pretty in the fall not to!

Facebook: Candice Kalil
Twitter: @CandiceLeeMary
Instagram: candicekalil31

Monday, August 31, 2015

SMC Hacks

Hey there! Going into senior year at SMC I'm a Social Ambassador which means I will be posting on this blog about anything and everything on SMC, Burlington, college and the every day life of an SMC student. If you have any questions or need any help with anything don't hesitate to ask! At the bottom of every page I post there is my social media tags and usernames if you want to reach me! (or see me post the numerous pictures of my dogs because I am literally obsessed with them!) I still feel weird saying I'm a senior, pretty sure I just lived in Lyons 4 North not that long ago. Whether this is your first semester or your coming back to campus after the summer there some important things about you should know about campus! These are things you might not have known or heard about when you first got here a few days ago:

1. Einstein's - Every semester each student has $25 on their knight card to spend on some good coffee & snacks! I would advise to try not to spend it the first week though because when finals come around you are gonna most likely want a coffee fix!

2. Musical buildings - So over the summer some offices and majors moved to different spaces so make sure to check the updated list that was put in everyone's mail box to help you find where they are. Example: Health Services is now in the Bergeron building next to the tennis courts.

3. Church Street - Church street is an awesome place to find everything from the little shops to the mall. Check this week for decoration deals such as half off tapestries!

4. FOOD - So for all you full meal planners you get unlimited swipes in the dining hall which basically means you can go to Alliot as many times in one day as you want. Rule to remember though you are not allowed to bring food out unless it is a banana or an apple, I swear if you get caught Rosemary will find you.

5. Textbooks - Never never never resort to ONLY the school store for textbooks!!! There are so many places such as Amazon, Chegg and other sites than you can buy used books or rent books to save some money!

6. Decorating - There are many a tricks to decorating the dorm rooms without damaging the walls! Command strips are a go to for hanging things up and organizing closets. Also I would recommend waiting to assess the room situation to see what containers are needed. I have used the same containers the past two years for clothes and this year I went out to get another book shelf - like container to create more storage space!

7. People make the place - SMC has so many resources for students so don't hesitate to taking advantage of them! From advisers to counselors to the different departments there to help students. Also the professors are great and are wicked helpful when you may feel like you are struggling in class or falling behind.

I would also recommend looking at Pinterest for some diy projects that are low cost and add to any room! The beginning of the year always disorganized and may feel chaotic because everything needs to get organized and come together but give it a week or two and everything will come together! Amidst everything coming together enjoy the time with friends and being back at SMC!

Facebook: Candice Kalil
Twitter: @CandiceLeeMary
Instagram: candicekalil31

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Internship - Infinite Events

Coming back to Rhode Island for the summer I'm fortunate enough to have gotten the opportunity to be an intern with a Wedding & Event Coordinator. I have been interning with Infinite Events for the past few months have gotten a lot of experience in seeing what goes into coordinating weddings and events. The company which is owned by my boss, Erica Trombetti, "provides full scale professional planning and coordination for a range of events,"(source), particularly weddings and candy stations.

Being an intern, I've been able to see the behind the scenes and day-of work that goes into these events. From helping with background work in the office to seeing what goes into a full day coordination, I love that I've seen a bit of everything! At Infinite Events you can purchase different packages based on what best fits your event. For example, couples out of state tend to buy the Full-Planning Package because they are unable to attend meetings with vendors or able to come to Rhode Island often when planning their wedding. Other couples may choose just to have Day - of Coordination Package because they wanted to do a lot for the wedding themselves as far as decor, but do not want to worry about anything on their wedding day! Also as an intern, on the day of a ceremony we get to either be the bridal attendant or help with set up. Both jobs are interesting because as a bridal attendant you get to help and talk to the bride before the ceremony while setting up you get to see everything come together.

One interesting aspect I have found in working weddings is that each is unique and different being full of character. Its not the same routine every day, its different types of events and styles. Getting to see it come together on the day of is my favorite part. Even though all the same steps are taken in making the day of the event successful, I have gotten to see some beautiful spots and amazing places around the area. Its a great occupation in that the hard work pays off seeing everyone enjoy the day and every event you get to work being unique from the next.

Another part of my internship I really enjoy is the networking aspect. Every wedding and event is different where you work with different vendors and network with so many people. Rhode Island is a small state mind you but the amount of people I have gotten to meet and work with in the industry is awesome! I have also enjoyed getting to work with everyone at Infinite Events. Erica and everyone is great and I can very much tell you I do not want my internship to end! I get excited to go to every event and all that I have learned this summer I plan to take with me from here on out!

Thank you for everything Infinite Events! For an amazing summer, for helping me get my foot in the door by getting a lot of experience in the industry and for the opportunity to work with you! I am excited to head back to school and Vermont, but you know you are in a great place when you are bittersweet about leaving!

Facebook: Candice Kalil
Twitter: @CandiceLeeMary
Instagram: candicekalil31

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Summer with My Favorite Beings

When I say I have a puppy radar built into my brain, I don't joke. My friends and family make fun of me all the time because whenever we walk by or run into a dog, naturally I have to ask if it likes pets. When I am at work at the restaurant its even worse. We don't allow dogs inside the restaurant because of health code but we do allow them to be tied around the outside of the area (aka Candice gets to pet them through the duration of their owner's meal). Certain people are dogs people and certain people are cat people. After you spend a solid 15 minutes with my favorite beings on this earth, you will understand why I can't help but be a dog person.

Sally Stella and Rosie!
I currently have three golden retrievers. Yes, three...crazy right? You would think it would be a mad hosue but its the most fun! We have Rosie, 8, then Sally, 2, and baby Stella who is 1. I can tell you that they are all silyl in their own ways from sleeping upside down to barking whenever a car comes in the driveway but they are the biggest loves. I always wake up to Sally popped outside my door waiting for me to wake up and head to work. The funniest part of having dogs is seeing each of them have their own personality. Rosie is the cranky grandma, Sally is the snuggler and Stella will even start talking to you while holding a toy in her mouth to get your attention.

Its something I absolutely thank my parents for having us grow up with dogs. It teaches you a lot of responsibility very young and I can't even imagine what life would be like not living with a dog. Trust me I have asked my parents many time about when they come to visit SMC next year if they could bring them! You can only imagine the separation anxiety I had sometimes living in Spain for 4 months from them.

One of the things I miss most about Spain was being near the mountains, and this past weekend I got to take care of that void. A couple friends and I went up to Lincoln, NH to do some hiking and relaxing by the river. With busy schedules we just wanted to get away for a good girls weekend. We hiked 3 peaks in two days and I can tell you one of them was one of the most exhausting hikes and getting to the top was so rewarding. It was great to get up to the mountains and have a great time with great company!

Facebook: Candice Kalil
Twitter: @CandiceLeeMary
Instagram: candicekalil31

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Nostalgic Update

Landing on American soil and having been back in the states for about over a month now, its easy to understand why I have not been as up to date on here! Summer is so busy! Basically a few days after arriving home and spending some time with the family (my dogs of course!) I started to jump back into work. This summer I am back working as a hostess but also interning for Infinite Events, LLC, a wedding/day of planning company! With summer almost half way through I am loving working weddings and getting my quick trips to the beach after work to relax!

I can tell you that being back in the states does come with some reverse culture shock. I couldn't believe that when I went anywhere I could get a cup or glass of water for free, or that the US dollar felt so thin to the monopoly-like Euro dollar. The funniest things stand out but it is nice to be home. I miss living out of my backpack and country hopping for a good chunk of time, but nothing is quite like coming home to sitting on the couch and cuddling with my favorite beings. 

I am lucky to say I have gotten to live in three beautiful places such as home, Vermont and Spain. For I am enjoying working weddings, people watching while working in downtown Newport because the tourists never fail to be entertaining and taking some relaxing time by the beach! Spanish sun gave me a pretty solid tan so I got the upper hand this summer, no complaints!

Also check out this article if you get a moment! This pretty much sums up the whole reason why you should study abroad and why it is important to travel: Get Out and See The World: Why Travelling is Important

Facebook: Candice Kalil
Twitter: @CandiceLeeMary
Instagram: candicekalil31

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Traveling Tips: Packing

So you’re going abroad and your thinking "how in the world am I going to not only figure out what to pack for 4/5 months, but how do I fit it in a suitcase" From traveling throughout Europe and to different countries, here are some tips on how to efficiently pack for your time abroad! (And make it a whole lot easier!)

1. Best way to not only pack light but back efficiently: 3 BAGS --> 1 Suitcase, 1 rolling 10kg carry on bag ( or a duffle bag works great too! I found the wheeling small suitcase to be a lot easier!) and 1 backpack. The suitcase can fit 50lb or 23 kg max before you are charged for weight. Also having a backpack is prime because once you are abroad and want to go on day trips or travel, that's all you need! SIDENOTE: pack a good over the shoulder purse with a zipper for safety for everyday things!

2. Converters!!!! Check what country you are studying abroad and make sure you have the proper converters for outlets to charge your phone and computers. Also you are better off buying a straightener or hairdryer there because they are cheap and you can damage your straightener/dryer in the power outlets there.

3. ZIPLOC! - Vacuum seal bags by them are perfect! They don't change the amount of weight in your suitcase but they help a lot with organizing and creating space for more clothes and shoes.

4. Outfit on the plane - If you are worried about weight, wear all your heaviest clothes on the plane or pack them in your carry on. For example, my boots were my heaviest shoes so I wore them on the plane.

5. Locks - Most places are safe but for a piece of mind it is always safe to both have a bag lock and then a passport holder you can wear under your clothes or a money pouch. My mom immediately bought me one and even though I felt safe, I did use it once or twice just in case.

6. Extra set of clothes - I am not one of the first or last people that has lost their luggage, its a annoying feeling and I recommend to always pack a outfit and toothbrush in your carry on just in case it gets lost.

Facebook: Candice Kalil
Twitter: @CandiceLeeMary
Instagram: candicekalil31

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Granada - Tienes mi corazón

 4 months later... I'm going home. The beginning and end of this journey is filled with a mix of different goodbyes and hellos. Leaving Rhode Island in January was pretty filled with goodbyes, especially nervous ones because I didn't have the biggest idea of what living in Spain was going to be like. The hellos, new people and first encounters in Granada were both welcoming but also frightening. My beginning struggles with the language let me tell you, not smooth AT ALL. And meeting everyone almost reminded me of when I moved to Vermont for my freshman year, making new friends and being in a new environment. Yea I was a little spooked because I went out of my comfort zone. Looking at it now, when I think about the person I was coming into the Granada and being the person subtly venting her "leaving her abroad experience" feelings to you via blog, it’s absolutely bizarre.

I came to Granada with hardly any Spanish, a stupidly weak ankle and as much of an open mind as I tried. And in 4 months, like anyone who has spent a semester abroad would say, Granada became my home. Obviously I can say that from living here but it’s more than that. It’s the routine I had here, my classes where even one of my professors called us her "ninos" (children) and was where they goodbyes were harder than I thought. Any place whether it be Rhode Island or Vermont that I have called home I have always been surrounded by a beach or mountain, being able to explore. Granada is no different. I have been to some of the most beautiful beaches I have seen here and even this past Sunday my friends and I went on a longer hike through the mountains (my ankle was not a fan of that one but so worth it!). For Granada being a city, and having some beautiful parts within it, it’s amazing how much nature is around it. I've gotten to explore a decent amount of Europe while having the opportunity to be over here but getting to explore around Granada is by far the most breathtaking part. My friends and I joked around while having a lunch break on the hike about how it almost looks like we got green-screened into the scene because it was that pretty.

Home can be a lot of different definitions. In different places I have gotten to see, my definition of home mainly refers to one thing: the people. This was more than true in Granada. Not the older ladies who would call me out on the street if my hair was wet or tell me "que es ropa de verano?!" when I was wearing shorts. Not all the gypsies, who after 4 months of seeing me walk by them on the street still every morning persistently tried to give me rosemary and tell me my fortune. But rather the people I met here. My roommates who without a doubt had some of the biggest hearts and were some of the most down to earth people I have come to meet. Who didn't mind that we would forget our keys, would never turn down an opportunity to go on crazy hikes and wholly accepted our love to chocolate and supported each other’s relationship with it. 

Coming from Rhode Island, Washington, Mexico and Belgium, a tri-lingual household with wonderful friends I will never forget. Hopefully I will be able to see your cities someday. And also in my group of friends, who explored and got cultured together wandering through Barcelona and Belgium, who still hung out with me after my 21st birthday and on a long boat ride back from Morocco were able to make each other laugh so much we prevented any of us from getting sick during the bumpy ride. You ladies are amazing in your own way, and even though I keep catching myself saying "y'all" and I didn't feel my feet after our walking ventures sometimes, I am more than grateful to have met you and cannot wait to see you again.

I would be lying to you if I said I didn’t have a hard time leaving this city. I stayed a week later than my program but left Granada the same day as everyone. I knew I would be staying in Europe getting to visit Rome and the island of Mallorca for a week before returning to the states.  But staying up my last night in the city with my friends not one of us was being calm and collected, and realized how much we were going to miss it. My departure from Granada was actually pretty climactic, which didn’t help the bittersweet feeling. After many goodbyes and the last goodbye to my roommate Sofia, I headed to the Malaga airport as the sun rose.

If you have the opportunity and the chance to go abroad, I’m not going to be tough and say you’re a goon for not taking it. Things happen, but there is nothing and will never be anything quite like it. And for that, I’m grateful for the last 4 months. As bittersweet as it is leaving, there are some people and my pretty adorable puppies I can’t wait to see. Hasta luego Granada y muchas gracias por todo!

Facebook: Candice Kalil
Twitter: @CandiceLeeMary
Instagram: candicekalil31

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Studying Abroad

Since its the end of the semester the hot conversation topics consist of: "Bittersweet feelings", "How do you feel about being abroad now that its almost over?", "Would you have done it differently?"

What I have repeated probably over and over again subtly in each blog post I have written since the day I set foot in Europe, studying abroad is an experience far from anything else. If you have the chance or the possibility to do it, go. Don't hesitate and don't think twice about it. It will be one of the hardest things you do in ways you least expect, but it will be one of the best things you will ever experience. Being able to immerse yourself in another culture, whether there is a language barrier or not, is something that changes your complete outlook on life. From studying abroad you gain a new perspective on things: on people, the places you know and your world becomes a little bigger. "Broadening your horizons" is a phrase I use jokingly with people but in the most literal sense possible this is what studying abroad does. To pretty much sum it up this is why you need to go: You will become the best version of yourself from it. You will learn so much about yourself and how to jump out of the comfort zone you have had for the past 19 to 21 years. Even when you are filling out all the paper work, applications and all that jazz to get to where you want to go, you will have no idea what is going to happen until the day you leave.  Also when you are thinking of going abroad or are about to take off, its is 110% normal to be nervous. I would be lying to you if I said it didn't bite all my nails off or call home the second I got a hold of good wifi. Its absolutely normal to feel that way and for the beginning of studying abroad in itself. 

My friends and I have talked about how we felt at the beginning when we first got to Spain and we all agreed it was a mixed feeling because we hadn't gotten adjusted yet. Don't let that stop you and when that feeling hits, I promise you the first two weeks are the hardest and it gets easier! Classes help a lot because you get a schedule and they are also interesting too because they are sort of a hidden tour guide for you throughout the semester giving you information about the area and region you are studying in.

What I recommend, which makes it so more challenging, is to go somewhere where they don't speak English. Not that English speaking countries aren't beautiful and have a awesome culture of their own, its an entirely different experience going somewhere where English is not the dominant language. I can tell you plenty of cities in Europe where they will switch to English when they hear you make a mistake or don't complete the sentence correctly. But that's why being fully immersed in a place where English isn't the dominant language is so beneficial because it challenges you to learn the language and be able to get by in everyday life with the basics of that language.

No matter where you go, the best part of studying abroad is being able to explore. Whether the country you study abroad in is so large that you explore the whole thing or you go to Europe and are able to travel to many countries, its all brand new and this new place is literally your oyster. In 4 months (plus 1 week) when my semester is over, I was lucky enough to be able to visit seven different countries crossing two continents and see a whole lot of Spain. This is the other big piece of advice I suggest, save up as much as you can in every way. Cut back on things you don't need and save them for things you might want to do abroad. I saved up for a long time to come abroad and I am so happy I did because travelling is so cheap here. Even though I ate a lot of crackers and peanut butter sandwiches the past 4 months to save money while travelling, it was absolutely worth it.

Plan ahead, take any chance you get. I promise you its an opportunity you might not ever get again to go to a foreign country to live and experience their culture. It is the most bittersweet feeling leaving a beautiful place like this, but I have some awesome people to see when I get home! Take every chance and never stop adventuring.

Mi ciudad favorita

Facebook: Candice Kalil
Twitter: @CandiceLeeMary
Instagram: candicekalil31

Friday, May 8, 2015

Living in the Iberian Peninsula

In having learned a lot about the history and culture of the area, here are some pretty interesting facts of where I am studying abroad:
  • Spain and Portugal make up the Iberian Peninsula, which was huge throughout history for its valuable land and trading opportunities
  • There is a point in Sangres, Portugal called "the end of the world" where the Portuguese and Catholic Monarchs believed the world ended before the Age of Discovery
  • Spain is the worlds largest producer of olive oil
  • Spain has been conquered over and over again by empires from the Romans to the Visigoths, the Moorish Empire which gave it its Islamic culture and then by the Catholic Monarchs
A whole lot of history is here in the Iberian Peninsula, more than we are taught in US schools where they mainly focus on the Age of Discovery and the Catholic Monarchs. This past weekend I got to check off one of my top places to visit while abroad and got to explore the other side of the peninsula by visiting southern Portugal. I went to the towns of Albufiera, Sangres and Lagos. Needless to say at some point in my life whenever that may be I will find a way to get back there, and live somewhere in Portugal because it is a beautiful country!

We got to see the craziest cliffs at the end of the world, which hands down is one of the prettiest places I have ever seen. From there we went to Lagos which we were told was a decently underrated city for travelling to, and I can see why it was an adorable town with gorgeous beaches. I could have easily stayed don't think I wouldn't have. The trip was called "Paradise Weekend" for a good reason, it was a great time with great company!

Coming back to Granada I realized that was my last trip of the semester. I am travelling to Rome and Majorca for a week before heading back to the US but two weeks from today my program ends, and I don't even know how to comprehend that. There was so much built up to studying abroad and now that its almost over, bittersweet is really the only word to describe it. I'm excited to be home and see my family (and of course my pups!) but I am going to miss the people and this city. I am going to miss the awesome group of friends who I was lucky to get to travel Europe with and the professors who taught me more than I could have thought. One of my friends sent us an article about the friends you make travelling, and how those friends are so valuable. It hit the nail on the head for how much I am going to miss the people I have met here. The entire semester has memories and people I will never forget, and has been the best experience I could ask for. Here is to the next two weeks and the city I have called home.

My Spanish class and our adorable professor!

Facebook: Candice Kalil
Twitter: @CandiceLeeMary
Instagram: candicekalil31