Monday, November 9, 2015

SMC Campus Life

One of the best parts of Saint Mike's is that there is no shortage of activities and events going on around campus. On campus housing is offered all four years here so there's always something going on with everyone around campus. Another thing too is that if you're wanting to start a club or organize an event, it's super easy to get the Saint Mike's community involved. For example, this past weekend a couple friends and I ran a 5K on campus that was raising funds for refugees by donating to the organization Africa ELI. The program works and does fundraising to educate women and girls within South Sudan along with empowering them, as most are survivors and refugees from the Civil War there.

One of the senior's Caitie Shea, who recently just finished her first marathon, mapped out and organized the race. It had a good turn out and the course was flat so it was a nice run! One of my friends had set herself a goal for finishing her first 5K and met her goal on Saturday! Caitie even got donations from local bagel markets too to help provide food for all the runners. What Caitie did is a good example of creating and running your own event on campus which both had a good turn out and made it a good work out goal!

Other awesome aspects of the fabulous Saint Mike's campus is the crazy amount of resources there are for students and members of the community. Professors alone I have gone to for advice on different assignments and just sat down in their office with them to get their opinions. On top of the academic resources on campus one center in particular I have been utilizing being a senior and that is Career Development. Had I realized how awesome the Career Development office was my freshman year, the process getting internships would have gone a lot smoother. Both internships that I've had in the wedding industry have both been awesome but it took a lot of time to find them! Career Development at Saint Mike's is great with a ton of resources available to students and alumni. You can go make an appointment to figure out your major, applying for internships, career opportunities or just picking apart your resume. For the Career Development page, click HERE

I made an appointment earlier this semester to proofread my resume with Aislinn Doyle and it was some of the best life advice as we went through my resume and talked about looking into job hunting for after graduation. For anyone on campus this weekend there is also the Career Symposium. Offered each semester the school provides the opportunity for professionals and alumni to come in and talk to students about looking for careers or planning for after graduation. Gotta start somewhere! There is so much that Saint Mike's has to offer its hard to pass up the resources it has and its awesome to go out and support friends who are putting different programs or events for everyone to get involved in! 

If your wondering what's happening around campus check out the your mySMC page or the Saint Mike's website!

Facebook: Candice Kalil
Twitter: @CandiceLeeMary
Instagram: candicekalil31

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