Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Finals: As Told by Buddy the Elf

Its the home stretch folks, in other words the last two weeks of fall semester.
Yes it's true, it's December 1st...
And you know what that means...final exams. Yes final exams are everyone's favorite part of the year. As we all know but finals week comes with a window of time and a whole lot of work. The final stretch of the semester is exactly as it sounds, the last leg of homework and studying before break. Whoever said the last two weeks of a college semester are always easy, definitely did not experience the end of the semester themselves. Finals week comes with a lot of work but there is a long holiday month break to follow!
To best explain how finals week works and how to work through them, here is Buddy the Elf to tell you how it goes:

You are going to most likely give up cooking, eat easy-to-make meals and crave eating chocolate. 

Even though you might think an all-nighter or studying last minute for that cumulative exam is a good idea, think what is going to help you understand the material and help you feel prepared. Stay positive and prepare ahead of time for exams, even if it is studying for a little bit each day. 
If you feel frustrated or unsure of the material don't hesitate to email your professor or ask for extra help. Nothing bad can come from asking for help, those resources are there for you to help you!

And after exams are done you get a whole month to take a break, regroup and come back in January! Oh and don't forget the best holiday of the year too of course.....
Lastly, make sure to set time aside each day to give yourself a break from the work. Whether that may be going to the gym for an hour, watching Netflix or hanging with friends, give yourself a break to step away from work and then come back to it! Even watching a Christmas movie isn't too bad of an idea. Prepare, study and work hard because Christmas break will be right around the corner!
Facebook: Candice Kalil
Twitter: @CandiceLeeMary
Instagram: candicekalil31

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