What I have repeated probably over and over again subtly in each blog post I have written since the day I set foot in Europe, studying abroad is an experience far from anything else. If you have the chance or the possibility to do it, go. Don't hesitate and don't think twice about it. It will be one of the hardest things you do in ways you least expect, but it will be one of the best things you will ever experience. Being able to immerse yourself in another culture, whether there is a language barrier or not, is something that changes your complete outlook on life. From studying abroad you gain a new perspective on things: on people, the places you know and your world becomes a little bigger. "Broadening your horizons" is a phrase I use jokingly with people but in the most literal sense possible this is what studying abroad does. To pretty much sum it up this is why you need to go: You will become the best version of yourself from it. You will learn so much about yourself and how to jump out of the comfort zone you have had for the past 19 to 21 years. Even when you are filling out all the paper work, applications and all that jazz to get to where you want to go, you will have no idea what is going to happen until the day you leave. Also when you are thinking of going abroad or are about to take off, its is 110% normal to be nervous. I would be lying to you if I said it didn't bite all my nails off or call home the second I got a hold of good wifi. Its absolutely normal to feel that way and for the beginning of studying abroad in itself.
My friends and I have talked about how we felt at the beginning when we first got to Spain and we all agreed it was a mixed feeling because we hadn't gotten adjusted yet. Don't let that stop you and when that feeling hits, I promise you the first two weeks are the hardest and it gets easier! Classes help a lot because you get a schedule and they are also interesting too because they are sort of a hidden tour guide for you throughout the semester giving you information about the area and region you are studying in.
No matter where you go, the best part of studying abroad is being able to explore. Whether the country you study abroad in is so large that you explore the whole thing or you go to Europe and are able to travel to many countries, its all brand new and this new place is literally your oyster. In 4 months (plus 1 week) when my semester is over, I was lucky enough to be able to visit seven different countries crossing two continents and see a whole lot of Spain. This is the other big piece of advice I suggest, save up as much as you can in every way. Cut back on things you don't need and save them for things you might want to do abroad. I saved up for a long time to come abroad and I am so happy I did because travelling is so cheap here. Even though I ate a lot of crackers and peanut butter sandwiches the past 4 months to save money while travelling, it was absolutely worth it.
Plan ahead, take any chance you get. I promise you its an opportunity you might not ever get again to go to a foreign country to live and experience their culture. It is the most bittersweet feeling leaving a beautiful place like this, but I have some awesome people to see when I get home! Take every chance and never stop adventuring.
Twitter: @CandiceLeeMary
Instagram: candicekalil31
Instagram: candicekalil31
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