And just like that, it became May 2016. Four years later....
To any rising freshman or current students reading this post, I will simply summarize my ideas into the main notion that college and time really flies by. The chance I was able to have being able to come to Saint Mike's has very much impacted who I am walking across the stage this upcoming Sunday.
Because of Saint Mike's I found new passions and was able to be a part of a major that I truly enjoyed. I was able to live in an incredible new home for four years, and Vermont even before Saint Mike's was a big part of my life and continued to be so. I was able to live in a foreign country for four months, and within that time traveled to seven countries on two continents. I was able to make incredible friends and memories that I would not have totally had if I had not chosen to come to Saint Mike's or have had the opportunity.
Last time I checked I was not 22 and getting my bachelor's degree. And for anyone looking into Saint Mike's or who is already a student, I promise it is going to be the most memorable four years of your life, and it will come full circle when you get near the end of senior year. Make the most out of your time here, Saint Mike's is full of incredible people and has so much to offer. I promise, it is one of the best decisions you'll ever make, and it was certainly one of the best choices I've made.
Thank you for everything Saint Mike's
All my love,
Sunday, May 8, 2016
Saturday, April 23, 2016
Why We Love the MJD Department
Having switched to a Media Studies, Journalism and Digital Arts (MJD) major my sophomore year, I went into the major unsure of what I wanted to focus on and what I was thinking of doing with the major after college. I knew I wanted to keep my minor in Business Administration, but for anyone who is in the MJD department or who knows someone in it, you come to understand that it is a unique major in that it is incredibly versatile. There are many great things about the department and for those who are considering taking on the MJD major, here are some things you should know about MJD life,
1. Classes
There are a bunch of different classes, electives and requirements that the major offers for students. Some of the requirements include Digital Media, Media Law and Ethics along with Senior Seminar, where students have three options (a book, web documentary, full documentary film) for their thesis. The variety is great because you gain so many different knowledge and skill sets that can be applied to so many things.
2. Community
The professors talk about this a lot and we feel it as a group in the major that there is a collaborative feeling to the work people do. If you are in the lab you tend to be able to ask someone their opinion on what your making or if they think the video clip looks good. It's a great major in that everyone does work together and tries to help each other out.
3. Time
I don't even want to think about how long I have spent in the computer labs over the duration of my career here at SMC, but some people get the impression that MJD is just a lot of work. I would say to you that it is, its not a major where you can slack off and expect great results. You get out of it what you put into it, and because college is very independently minded when you put in the work you will have projects that turn out great (trust me, my friend and I just made a film and the work completely paid off!)
4. Professors
They rock. The professors in the major are all great people and we as seniors have gotten to know them over the past four years through classes and projects. They have all done a lot of work outside of being professors as well which you can tell they bring into the classroom. They are all wicked helpful from questions about class, to advising meetings to even a piece of advice when you feel stumped working on your thesis.
5. Rewarding
Sitting in the classroom watching our full documentary being screened, my partner and I really saw everything come together. Because of this major also we both got the opportunity to travel abroad. Being able to do so much and have such a variety in a major, it is absolutely rewarding and I know I will take everything I have learned into what I want to do. If you are debating being in the major, or are curious about the class and work load, don't hesitate to reach out and eve ask professors to see if it's a great fit for you!
1. Classes
There are a bunch of different classes, electives and requirements that the major offers for students. Some of the requirements include Digital Media, Media Law and Ethics along with Senior Seminar, where students have three options (a book, web documentary, full documentary film) for their thesis. The variety is great because you gain so many different knowledge and skill sets that can be applied to so many things.
Both are pictures from my Adventure Filmmaking class last fall semester! |
2. Community
The professors talk about this a lot and we feel it as a group in the major that there is a collaborative feeling to the work people do. If you are in the lab you tend to be able to ask someone their opinion on what your making or if they think the video clip looks good. It's a great major in that everyone does work together and tries to help each other out.
3. Time
I don't even want to think about how long I have spent in the computer labs over the duration of my career here at SMC, but some people get the impression that MJD is just a lot of work. I would say to you that it is, its not a major where you can slack off and expect great results. You get out of it what you put into it, and because college is very independently minded when you put in the work you will have projects that turn out great (trust me, my friend and I just made a film and the work completely paid off!)
4. Professors
They rock. The professors in the major are all great people and we as seniors have gotten to know them over the past four years through classes and projects. They have all done a lot of work outside of being professors as well which you can tell they bring into the classroom. They are all wicked helpful from questions about class, to advising meetings to even a piece of advice when you feel stumped working on your thesis.
5. Rewarding
Sitting in the classroom watching our full documentary being screened, my partner and I really saw everything come together. Because of this major also we both got the opportunity to travel abroad. Being able to do so much and have such a variety in a major, it is absolutely rewarding and I know I will take everything I have learned into what I want to do. If you are debating being in the major, or are curious about the class and work load, don't hesitate to reach out and eve ask professors to see if it's a great fit for you!
Facebook: Candice Kalil
Sunday, March 27, 2016
Writing (Filming) A Senior Thesis
Most apologies for not posting as frequently this semester as usual! I am currently working with my friend Amanda on finishing our thesis which is due in a little under two weeks...Both relieving and frightening all in one. You intital assumption of someone finishing their college thesis is probably a nice long research paper or a presentation. Ours on the other hand takes thesis to the next level, and to a creative one mind you.
As media studies, digital arts majors we are given the option to convey an "untold" and "unheard" topic in either a book or a documentary film. Yep, our thesis is becoming a published author or a film producer. Casual right? That is how we all feel. The project began last semester in our Senior Proposal class where we looked at different examples and researched our topic to narrow it down. We handed the proposal before Christmas break and have begun filming this semester.
Pretty cool right?! We originally came up with the topic discussing how mail had become a long lost form of communication and writing letters is somewhat of a nostalgic thought to many now with email, texting and social media. From here we decided to narrow the film to focus on the development of social norms that are
involved with interpersonal and distance communications. To do this we broke it up into three compartments of everyone's lives: the work,
family and love.
The mediums of communication such as texting, smartphones, social media and video-chatting have made interpersonal relations much different than in the past. Our home run point we are hoping to make is that at this day in age, everyone in their lives will most likely experience a long distance part of their life in some way whether it is a long distance relationship, working from location or having aspects of their family life be held together for a time based on these mediums of communication.
To be honest, this is the most time commitment I have ever had working on a project and it is also the most fun I have had on an assignment. Amanda and I are walking out with a finished and completed documentary film, and we are pretty pumped to be able to have the finished product! We got to interview some pretty awesome people from family friends, to family (Amanda's brother and one of my dogs are featured in the film!) to others who had incredible insight in what we were hoping to learn in talking with them! Keep your eyes out for more from Behind the Distance!
As media studies, digital arts majors we are given the option to convey an "untold" and "unheard" topic in either a book or a documentary film. Yep, our thesis is becoming a published author or a film producer. Casual right? That is how we all feel. The project began last semester in our Senior Proposal class where we looked at different examples and researched our topic to narrow it down. We handed the proposal before Christmas break and have begun filming this semester.
Our film is called
Behind the Distance: Long Distance Interpersonal Communication in the Digital Age
The mediums of communication such as texting, smartphones, social media and video-chatting have made interpersonal relations much different than in the past. Our home run point we are hoping to make is that at this day in age, everyone in their lives will most likely experience a long distance part of their life in some way whether it is a long distance relationship, working from location or having aspects of their family life be held together for a time based on these mediums of communication.
To be honest, this is the most time commitment I have ever had working on a project and it is also the most fun I have had on an assignment. Amanda and I are walking out with a finished and completed documentary film, and we are pretty pumped to be able to have the finished product! We got to interview some pretty awesome people from family friends, to family (Amanda's brother and one of my dogs are featured in the film!) to others who had incredible insight in what we were hoping to learn in talking with them! Keep your eyes out for more from Behind the Distance!
Also make sure to check out our Website!
Wednesday, March 2, 2016
In comparison to the first time I was able to vote, this election I personally feel hits much more at home and is more of a discussion topic than any other between my friends and I. Maybe because four years older, we have a stronger perspective on who runs our country and the fact that we have made more of an effort to become more educated since our first round with voting. This particular election is also different from many because technology and social media, as seen in the last election, has become a huge part of how voters see news and follow their favored politicians.
Election and political campaigns have changed so much that to our generation, as we are getting older we are trying to feel even more connected and involved. Regardless of who you are hoping to or are favoring to vote for, all candidates have been portrayed in the media and have also taken advantage of the social media in many ways within their campaigns. Living in Vermont, you can't necessarily help but feel the Bern. Whether you side with his policies and what he is hoping to pursue in running for office, he has made an incredible impact on the state of Vermont.
On a quick decision, my friends Keri and I were able to attend his rally on Town Meeting Day, a national holiday essentially in the state of Vermont where towns hold their meetings to discuss issues and changes while opening the voting booths. Bernie came to not only vote in the polls, but to speak to those in the area. The rally was held at the local Champlain Valley Expo and was nothing short of an event. Keri and I noticed a few things that stood out among all the Bernie fans.The first being that this group of people were following both a person and a movement, which differs Bernie from many politicians. We see candidates in every race who have a strong experience in American government and who in their own right have policies that make them strong candidates in a presidential race. The difference with Bernie is that it is a movement, not just a person that is running for office.
The other thing we noticed was how many people were there, cheering for Bernie, who were not even eligible to vote yet. Teens, young adults and families were there is support. I take that as an incredible thing because it means more and more people are realizing the value and importance in learning about the country's leaders and educating themselves in that. A take away from the event that I had was the amount of love and pride that Vermont has, which you don't need to go to a Bernie Sander's rally to only see, but in a big way it was absolutely present there. Vermont is an amazing state (going to school here I am little bias but its the truth!) and its awesome to see someone who ten months ago was at his house over on Lake Champlain and is now a front runner for the presidency of the United States, pretty crazy!
Election and political campaigns have changed so much that to our generation, as we are getting older we are trying to feel even more connected and involved. Regardless of who you are hoping to or are favoring to vote for, all candidates have been portrayed in the media and have also taken advantage of the social media in many ways within their campaigns. Living in Vermont, you can't necessarily help but feel the Bern. Whether you side with his policies and what he is hoping to pursue in running for office, he has made an incredible impact on the state of Vermont.
On a quick decision, my friends Keri and I were able to attend his rally on Town Meeting Day, a national holiday essentially in the state of Vermont where towns hold their meetings to discuss issues and changes while opening the voting booths. Bernie came to not only vote in the polls, but to speak to those in the area. The rally was held at the local Champlain Valley Expo and was nothing short of an event. Keri and I noticed a few things that stood out among all the Bernie fans.The first being that this group of people were following both a person and a movement, which differs Bernie from many politicians. We see candidates in every race who have a strong experience in American government and who in their own right have policies that make them strong candidates in a presidential race. The difference with Bernie is that it is a movement, not just a person that is running for office.
The other thing we noticed was how many people were there, cheering for Bernie, who were not even eligible to vote yet. Teens, young adults and families were there is support. I take that as an incredible thing because it means more and more people are realizing the value and importance in learning about the country's leaders and educating themselves in that. A take away from the event that I had was the amount of love and pride that Vermont has, which you don't need to go to a Bernie Sander's rally to only see, but in a big way it was absolutely present there. Vermont is an amazing state (going to school here I am little bias but its the truth!) and its awesome to see someone who ten months ago was at his house over on Lake Champlain and is now a front runner for the presidency of the United States, pretty crazy!
Facebook: Candice Kalil
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
The Odyssey on Campus
I have previously posted on my blog about the note worthy, relatable and interesting reads that come from the college forum of The Odyssey. Frequently you can see these different articles posted on friend's timeline and your news feeds on Facebook as people find relatable "on-point" articles such as how you grew up in the state your in or a letter to your best friend.
It is an online social content platform for young writers to express relatable and current material.There are different categories of topics, genres of writing and also lengths of the articles. If you search in their search bar different articles will pop up either related or similar to what you are searching! Some of the topics include important figures, politics, college, friends and love life.
This semester I have been writing for the Saint Michael's chapter of the Odyssey and it has been great so far! Different from this blog, the Odyssey challenges me to write in a different way about a variety of topics and opinions. So far I have summarized the feelings of being a college senior, touched on different motivational quotes for a long week and what can happen when you aren't constantly on your phone. Now there are multiple writers for Saint Michael's and it is completely student run!
To check out the Saint Michael's posts, click on the image below!
And for my articles thus far, click on the image below!
Facebook: Candice Kalil
Thursday, February 11, 2016
Good Eats: SMC Area
Our House Bistro - Winooski Circle
Our House fits the bill for "twisted comfort food" as it has some of the best mac and cheese around.There is a lot to the menu besides just staple comfort foods as they put a twist on classic favorites. My personal favorite is the hamburger mac and cheese...heaven.
Tiny Thai - Winooski Circle
Another Winooski Circle favorite is Tiny Thai which has great offers for a solid amount of food. If you like Thai food or are looking to try it this is absolutely the place to go! There are a bunch of other restaurants in the Winooski Circle such as Sneakers and Misery Loves Company, so if you get the chance pop around to them because they are all a hit!Athen's Diner - Colchester, VT
I went to Athen's Diner for the first time this year, and why I haven't gone before is a bit beyond me. It is a awesome local spot and their breakfast is hard to beat, If you love a good Sunday brunch out, this is the place to go. I recommend the skillets because they are essentially perfection, in a breakfast meal.(via) |
Sweetwaters - Burlington, VT
Jumping from breakfast to dinner, if you are looking for a good dinner spot to splurge a little this is a great place to check out. It is reasonably priced and has awesome food! There is a little something for everyone and they have a great atmosphere in the restaurant from the inside area to the patio outside. I would absolutely check out their apps, when I went I split a few different options and it was super yummy!American Flatbread - Burlington, VT
This is a chain restaurant but if you are looking for a good pizza place, this is an awesome spot. I have gone multiple times over my time here at Saint Mike's and it is always a good group favorite. They have a variety of different pizza's and also offers brunch. And who doesn't love a good pizza?
Facebook: Candice Kalil
Friday, January 22, 2016
First (Powder) Day Of The Semester
What normally is the equivalent of a day pass, Saint Mike's students even if you go one day its completely worth it! Another fun fact about Smugg's is that they have started making their own snow in the past few years. For anyone who has never tried skiing before, its a great mountain to begin skiing on. I have a couple of friends who throughout being at Saint Mike's have improved on skiing a bunch and even started skiing their freshman year! This past week a friend and I got to sneak up to the mountain for a half day and probably for one of the first good days of skiing this season. There was fresh powder which made for an awesome first day back on the mountain!
Another great part about Saint Mike's is that the Wilderness Program offers a free weekend bus students can sign up for and take to the bus. The list fills up but you can sign up plenty in advance. For anyone looking into getting to the mountain, head to the Saint Mike's Wilderness Program page for more information about the buses and getting a pass. For more info, click the Smuggler's Notch logo!
(via) |
Facebook: Candice Kalil
Monday, January 4, 2016
A Year Ago
Time flies when your having fun and 2015 left with some of the best memories I will ever have. A lot happened in one year from breaking a leg to visiting 7 new countries. Everyone is posting on twitter and social media about new year's resolutions while setting new goals for 2016. For all of you who are planning any adventures this year, set the resolution for yourself to make the most of it. Having come back from the opportunity to study abroad in Spain, one year later I will tell you I never thought I would miss it as much as I do. I knew it was temporary, the chance of a lifetime and my chance to see the world. But if you had told me this time a year ago that the memories and friends I had during those 4 1/2 months were going to become a part of my life I would have approached the time differently.
I walked into the experience with an open mind as should anyone in a new situation. Instead of hopping on a plan to travel Europe I am hopping in a car in a few weeks to go to Vermont for my final college semester. Time really does fly when you are having fun, and I can't wait for what next semester holds (hopefully a lot of snow!). For anyone going abroad or considering doing it next year, make it work and take full advantage of the opportunities given to you because they are once in a lifetime. Its hard to realize when the chance is right in front of you but you are really only young for a good period of time so take those kind of opportunities while you can!
For all of you going abroad this semester, here is a letter I have for you:
Facebook: Candice Kalil
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