¨...time flies when you are having fun¨
You learn to be okay with trying new things and doing a lot more for yourself. My friends usually refer to me as the person who never spends money and is constantly saving. So to stop working and be in a spot where I'm constantly spending money, I've learned to accept its okay. I needed to see that in some way and being abroad has helped me figure out the balance of spending money wisely, rather than just only saving it and spending it on my Dunkin coffee when I needed a caffeine fix. My spending tends to consist of utilities, food, travel and postcards (I am collecting a postcard from every place I have gone as my souvenirs!) so if I feel like splurging here and there I have gotten better knowing its totally fine. If I was to splurge or spend my money anywhere, travelling and doing everything I can abroad isn't a bad way to go about it. You soon here realize how simply you can live. I can live off of ten outfits and feel partially silly for all the clothes I have. I can go with walking 30 minutes as if its a walk down the street and carrying my groceries home. I don't mind not driving anywhere and just going on walks and hikes to explore the city. You learn to appreciate the people you have around you, especially when you have just only met them two months ago and they are the closest people you have here. From friends who helped me out when I got sick right before a weekend trip that I wasn't about to back out of to my roommate who tossed me money to help me get the iced coffee I was stupidly craving that morning, we all are in the same point where our closest people are an ocean away and together we have get to make the most of where we are and be there for the unexpected moments we don't plan to have.
When I knew I wanted to go abroad, I chose Spain because after visiting it for a few days I couldn´t wait to go back and explore. I wanted a understanding of the language because I feel that having a second language or an understanding of one is very valuable in many aspects. I wanted to travel, and two months in I have done just that and plan to do a little more. I have gotten to see a majority of southern Spain, while also seeing the Netherlands and Belgium. You can say I am more than lucky and you can say after these past two months, the next two months will probably fly just as fast. I can tell you it has been the experience of a lifetime and I´m not even done yet. We have our spring break next week, on Sunday my dad and Jake fly over to come for a beach week in Spain and I turn 21 Tuesday. How many people get to say they celebrated their 21st living in Europe? We have talked about this trip and them coming for so long, now that its hear I can´t believe it happening. Its going be sweet getting to both show them my life here in Spain but also get a bit of home!
Facebook: Candice Kalil
Twitter: @CandiceLeeMary
Instagram: candicekalil31
Instagram: candicekalil31