Its December! And you know what that means: Christmas time! So my last couple of blog posts I have made more informational and I am going to take this one to talk about my semester at Saint Mike's. I knew coming into my junior year I wanted to make the most of the semester because the scary fact is, after next week the next time I will be back on campus I will be a senior. Like.....WHAT?! The thought of that sends chills through my bones because time is going by so fast! I could not tell you where all the time went. I have spent this semester working at my classes, playing rugby, working at my internship for VYRA (Vermont Youth Rugby Association), and spending time with some pretty amazing people. It has been a fun semester that has flown by and next thing I know I will be on my way to Spain! But before then, I got some pretty cool assignments to do.
This is not the only blog I got to create and keep up with this semester. For my Marketing class, we were asked to keep up with recent marketing news and connect class topics into a nine-post blog. It was interesting to study companies like Apple, Crocs and other big brand names seeing how they got themselves on the market. To look more into it, check out the blog Marketing 2014 Fall 215 - B
Another blog I got to keep up with this semester too was on a large article I wrote for my Environmental Journalism class, My topic was in researching how Farmers Markets in Vermont are an Alternative Food Network, and the importance of supporting local farmers' and their businesses. I got to talk to a lot of great people for the article while keeping up with news both nationally and locally on the topic. To check it out, here is my blog Vermont's Alternative Food Network: Farmers Markets. Sadly both of these blogs are coming to an end as the semester is coming to a close. This blog I will continue into going abroad but these two will end next week.
As the semester closes too I have been working on multiple projects that are the final assignments for my classes. One of them is my final adventure film. My project partner and I decided to do ours on ski patrol. Having already interviewed a few people, we tried getting in contact with Smugglers Notch Resort Ski Patrol to talk with them about the job and what it means to have that role on the mountain.Now you will quickly learn that just by going to Saint Mike's, a lot of doors open for you. One of my professor's from last semester has connections to Smuggs since her husband works there and that they are from the area. She got us in contact with the ski patrol and the assistant director turned out to be a Saint Mike's alumni, who would've thought?!
They set us up with snow pants, let us come up on the chairlift (on crutches mind you), film the entire thing and the best part: We got to go down the mountain and film while sitting on RESCUE SLEDS. Hands down the coolest possible thing we could have done that day. We needed cool footage and they needed practice so in the end everyone won! It was an experience I will never forget and the craziest part was, it was all homework!
To watch t not only our final film The Patrol but all my films for Adventure Filmmaking, check out my YouTube Channel:
To watch t not only our final film The Patrol but all my films for Adventure Filmmaking, check out my YouTube Channel:
Facebook: Candice Kalil
Twitter: @CandiceLeeMary
Instagram: candicekalil31
Instagram: candicekalil31